Harrison & India

Palolem beach - Goa


We stayed at Palolem beach
We had an ice cream each

Eating food that is nice and mild
Releasing the millipede into the wild

At the cafe, if you please
Lots of potatoes with some cheese

Me and Elliot dived into the waves
While Mummy told Daddy to have a shave

Having an ice cream was very nice
Lemon fresh was my kind of like

A caveman lighthouse in the sand
With a castle and moat using just our hands

The salty sea, it is serene
The palm trees are nice and green

Ketchup wait wait wait
I don’t really mean it with the cake

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Posted May 19, 2017

author Harrison ThirkettleWritten by Harrison Thirkettle who lives in London and goes to school at St. Mary‘s.