Harrison & India

A tour and the zoo in Bombay

Today we went on a tour.

We held wet and slimy fish. It felt disgusting!

It was a big heavy tuna.

All the fisher-ladies were peeling prawns. All the fisher-men were working on the boat.

We went on top of the roof at the laundry. We had the best view in the city.

I tried using a big heavy iron.

We went to a nice restaurant, we had chicken and mutton. I really liked it.

We went to a zoo and we saw elephants, monkeys, crocodiles and hippos.

We also saw a python.

It crushes it's prey by squeezing

We went home and had pizza for dinner.

The fishing port

The church with rifle stands

The laundry

The slums

Views around the city

Vultures circling above

Victoria Station

At the zoo

Posted April 16, 2017

author Harrison ThirkettleWritten by Harrison Thirkettle who lives in London and goes to school at St. Mary‘s.