Harrison & India

First day in Udaipur


We woke up very early on the exciting sleeper train.

We arrived at Udaipur. It was very big.

We took a tuk-tuk to the hotel.


The Udai Kothi - our hotel.

It was shiny and glittery with sparkles. It was made of marble.


It was very pretty and exciting. The pool was on the rooftop!


We went in the swimming pool again and again.

We had an amazing lunch. We went in the swimming pool again!

We had a super dinner and went to bed.

A boat trip on the lake.

Okay oops, I forgot, we went on a boat on the lake. It was very windy and wavey.

Udaipur Udaipur Udaipur Udaipur Udaipur Elliot asleep again!

Udaipur Udaipur Udaipur Udaipur Udaipur

Posted April 20, 2017

author Harrison ThirkettleWritten by Harrison Thirkettle who lives in London and goes to school at St. Mary‘s.