Harrison & India

Art class with Locky

Today we woke up. We were very excited to go in the swimming pool.

We were going to an art class after lunch.

Tuk tuk cafe - not open for lunch though...

Yummy Yoga cafe

We had okra. They call them Ladies' fingers. The okra was crunchy and we had a bread with a kind of curry called Paratha.

Art class with Locky

At art class, I painted a horse and my brother painted a camel.

Holding my brother's head up for the picture!

Locky did some henna on my back too

We went home, did more swimming. In our room, there was a little bed by the window.

We had butter chicken for dinner on the roof. We could see bats!

My drawings today

Our swimming pool

My horse again

Posted April 21, 2017

author Harrison ThirkettleWritten by Harrison Thirkettle who lives in London and goes to school at St. Mary‘s.